Notes for Building a Research Portfolio Website with Git Workshops


Widely used theme - pros - lots of resources, active community, more likely to be maintained. cons - can look a little generic.

Why use a text editor, rather than microsoft word? MS Word, adds a lot of metadata (AKA crap) to the file. Text editors offer many tools helpful - including highlighting code. It is a different environment, but incredibly useful to know.

GitHub Desktop

  • visual view of changes
  • must save file before changes appear
  • if more than one file is made, must add a custom message to the commit - this is to help your future self


  • focus on the content, not the webdesign* (*unless you enjoy this or are looking for some virtuous procrastination)
  • understand basics of web markup & design languages and protocols
  • understand the affordances and limitations of static sites (e.g. Jekyll, Hugo) vs Databases (Wordpress)
  • feel confident to look for anwers online


  • Tips for using the Acadmic theme, Leslie Myint Great overview of useful customisation options, incuding making use of custom themes and fonts. Tip: Code snippets can be copied directly from the site and then tweaked as you desire.

  • 7 Ways You Can Further Customize the Hugo Academic Theme

  • Guide to content mangement with Hugo Key information about Hugo, the templating language the site is based on - you can get deep into the weeds here, but lots of powerful functionality can be unlocked.

  • Blogdown

  • HackMD Great online tool to mock up markdown content if learning how it works. Use side-by-side mode to see how a What you see is what you get WYSIWYG) editor on the left pane, and how this renders on the web on the right. Tip- you can copy and paste the markdown code (from the left pane) right into the body of a blog post, project, publication or other content type in your website

  • Mermaid editor for diagrams Online editor to build diagrams. As with HackMD, code used here can be copy and pasted into pages on your site.

  • How to work with BibTeX files

Design tools

Useful for hexadecimal web colour values by pointing and clicking on any webpage

  • Wappalyzer Provides information on what technologies have been used to build existing websites - great if you see a site you like and want to get an insight into how it was developed.

  • Visual Studio Code Feature rich, ifree text editor


  • ALT/CMD + TAB to switch between tabs
  • Windows - WINDOWS + Arrow key to split windows
  • Add site to Quick Access in File Explorer or Finder (Finder > Preferences > Sidebar,)
  • Add site title to Git Repository
  • Check if changes don’t propagate. Look for red error messages to see where the mistake is.
  • Use inspect or view page source to see how your, or other webistes, are constructed.
  • Copy and paste code snippets (e.g. css values)
  • save images directly to local folders used for website. Right-click save image as, overwrite (click on existing file, e.g. featured.png), simplify name, take note of file type (jpg, png). Make sure it is compatible. file conversion tools available.
Matt Plummer
Matt Plummer
Senior Research Partner

Digital interpreter with a background in the arts and technology.